
BOILER ROOM IS BACK! 锅炉房又要冒气儿了◦°

Miao nmwv 2019-04-10


For those who've been waiting forever, here's some good news. BOILER ROOM IS BACK!

2016年4月,BOILER ROOM(锅炉房),全球青年音乐文化中最具影响力的品牌,在中国落地建厂。两年时间里,3个城市、7场活动、13位海外音乐人、30位国内音乐人、1500万直播观看量。穿过防火墙的层层阻隔,我们真的把生于小众文化的live现场带到了大家身边,也把这里常在台上的艺人和懂得玩的台下你们送到了BOILER ROOM全球直播镜头前。

In April 2016, BOILER ROOM the biggest brand in music-oriented youth culture, came to China. In two years, we hosted 7 events in 3 cities, featured 13 international artists and 30 local artists, and reached 15MM live views. Breaking through the GFW, we championed grassroots sounds born in local scenes that grew to define the future trend, and captured and presented an audience that made the local underground globally scalable.

Conrank & Zean @BOILER ROOM Shanghai 

然而,2018年,BOILER ROOM与乐视合同到期,网络直播加强管理。中国的锅炉房,凉了。

However, in 2018, the contract with Le.com came to an end, and the authority clamped down on internet live-streaming. BOILER ROOM China cooled down.


To find a solution to make BOILER ROOM boil again, we ground our way for a year. Now finally, we can announce the return of BOILER ROOM CHINA. 

全球演出、音乐节专属舞台、伦敦主办音乐节、一线艺人专辑首发、短纪录片原创内容、定期电台节目……作为青年音乐文化中最具影响力的品牌,BOILER ROOM在全世界跨步向前,为如今“潮音”胜地撰写着新的定义,并同时捕捉着这些场景里年轻弄潮儿的新鲜体验。 

With globally broadcasted events, featured stages at the world's best festivals, the launch of BOILER ROOM ‘Festival’ in London, albums premieres with AAA artists, original content and monthly radio shows, BOILER ROOM now identifies the most "in demand" new music scenes around the globe and capture the experience of young music fans at the heart of those scenes. 

从今开始,“永不停歇”,是我们对BOILER ROOM中国的希望。举办月度活动,与国内音乐节合作BOILER ROOM舞台,同时现场演出录播,制作专题纪录短片,得此实现展示中国最火热的新派音乐人,发掘下一代年轻的中国线上视频之星,同时将国际DJ和艺术家带来体验年轻的中国。

Our ambition in China? We want to establish a permanent "Always On" presence, by creating monthly events that generates hours of original video content, hosting stages at the top festivals across the region, showcasing the hottest new music artists based in China, and uncovering the next generation of young Chineses hosts and video stars, as well as flying in international DJs & Performers. 

和BOILER ROOM海外演出活动稍有不同的是,为了保证我们的动作“永不停歇”,如今锅炉房现场会延时播放。你会在回家的路上,或宿醉卧床的时候,到腾讯视频专题页面来回看昨夜自己怎么散了德行。

The only difference between BOILER ROOM China and overseas is, we won't really live stream but will film and release the recording right after the show. That said, you can watch the good time you had on your way home, or when you crash down in bed, or when you wake up with a hangover. That's our sweet and sourer, maybe a cool and smart way to make sure the show is "Aways On".


April 2019, see you at BOILER ROOM! 

